Who We Are

Our church is a Converge Church located in Delano, MN. We're a group of people striving to live out the Biblical commands to love God, each other and our neighbors well. This means we worship and follow Jesus not only through our words, but through our lives. 

Our Mission:

Living by Faith, Known by Love

"For we live by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - John 13:35

Our heart is to be a people who live by faith in Jesus Christ, trusting Him with all areas of our lives and be known by the love of Jesus. We believe when we love like Jesus, people see Jesus. When people encounter Jesus, everything changes.

In 2010, a group of people who were attending Woodridge Church in Medina, felt called to start a new church with a similar DNA in Delano, MN. The church plant was started and led by Pastor Greg Seeger and had its first service on Easter Sunday in 2010 as Woodridge Delano in the Delano Elementary gym. From the beginning, the church offered ministries for all age groups, being a force for good in the community and reaching people with the life changing truth of Jesus Christ. It was clear early on that God wanted to use us to reach families and children. Some Sundays, we’d have more kids than adults attending!

As the first few years came and went, we experienced a name change (Crow River Church), a move from the Delano Elementary gym to the Delano Middle School auditorium and a new pastor (Pastor Aaron Sorenson). The years in the Delano Middle School were years we saw incredible growth, expanded ministries and our impact in the community grow. In a short time, we went from seeing an average of 200 people attending to 400 a week on a Sunday.

In 2018 we purchased 30 acres west of town with the intent to build a building. We went through another, and final, name change to The Highlands Church and in the winter of 2020, we launched “The Home Campaign”, a significant step towards building our permanent home. Even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, God provided in miraculous ways and we were able to break ground on our new building in the spring of 2021. On Palm Sunday of 2022, we had our first service in our new building.

Since the move into our new building, we’ve see growth to over 700+ on average on a Sunday. We’ve seen more baptisms, more kids involved in our student and children’s ministries and more and more people growing in their faith in Jesus Christ.

Looking back at the last 13 years, it’s amazing to see how God used a small group of people from Woodridge to launch a church, that over the years, would impact the lives of so many.

The Highlands Values

We're proud to say that our church's values aren't something we made up, pulled from a conference, seminary, or anything else...Rather, these values have been at the core of who The Highlands Church has been from the start. God placed these values in the hearts of people in our church long ago. We are simply coming out and naming what God has done and is continuing to do and building the life of our church around responding to His work.

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