LEADERS: Chris & Alex Lindstrom
WHEN: January 6-26, 2025
COST: Free
Want to grow closer to God? Want breakthrough in your marriage, parenting or your finances in 2025? Want to grow stronger in self-discipline? Fasting is a process of abstaining from something for the purpose of worship, prayer, and self-discipline. Whether fasting from social media, caffeine, or food - you will experience the favor of God as you replace something for more intentional time with God.
During this 21 Day Fast, you will be part of (2) IN PERSON meetings at The Highlands:
Sunday, Jan. 5 (4-5 pm) - introduction to the fast
Sunday, Jan. 26 (6-7pm) - celebration of what God did during the fast.
These meetings are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED as they act as accountability and are informative to what fasting is all about. Along with the meetings, you will also receive encouragement & accountability with regular emails sent by the Lindstroms.
Ideas on what to fast FROM: social media, caffeine, coffee, desserts, tv/movies, Netflix, Youtube, sports Apps, meat, certain foods, the news, etc.
Ideas on what to fast FOR: breakthrough in your marriage, wisdom in parenting, growing your family/fertility, your job (promotion, understanding co-workers, relocation), understanding God's will for your life, the political leaders of our country, growing closer to God, etc.
Questions? Contact Alex Lindstrom (ajlindstrom3990@gmail.com).