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Moms in Step



JAN 23 - APR 17
*No Meeting March 6th for Spring break

Childcare is currently FULL. Register below to join the waitlist.

Moms in Step is a weekly gathering for women of all ages focusing on spiritual, emotional, and physical renewal. You will have the opportunity to connect with other moms and study in a small group. The group is a great way to connect with new and old friends while connecting with God through His Word. Childcare drop off begins at 8:50 am. From there, we have Refresh Time: participate in an instructor-led exercise session, chat with friends, quiet time, pray with a friend or mentor, or walk with your group! This is your time to refresh! From there, we move into our small groups where we will connect with each other by discussing our reading for the week. This is all done while your children are cared for by loving adults in our childrens rooms.

This spring study is Come and See: A study on the Gospel of John: Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:30-31

What does it look like to live an abundant life? We live in a world that tries to convince us that life can be found in temporary pleasures. However, in the pages of the Gospel of John, we are invited to “come and see” and to believe in the only source of true life: Jesus Christ



• If you join the childcare waitlist, you will not need to pay the registration fees unless spot(s) become available.

• Every mom who registers will be asked to serve one week in a childcare room. Sign ups will be sent after the first meeting. This will allow us to have more kids/moms participate in Moms In Step.

Please check in your child(ren) at 8:50am. If you have questions contact Kelsey Berg ( or Erica Miller (

January 21

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