a very special event for women
a very special event for women 〰️
As women of God, we want to position ourselves at the feet of Jesus and place Him at the center of our lives. As we commit ourselves to being rooted in His Word and walking daily in His truth, we will be transformed! Chains will be broken. We will experience freedom; and we will flourish!
Join us at our annual spring conference where we will worship through music, hear from special speakers and dive into what it looks like to be women who flourish because of Christ. The weekend will also include times for connection through hearing testimonies from women in our church and small group time; there will be time for personal reflection as well as fellowship. Great food will also be a part of this weekend.
Friday, April 25: 6-9pm
Saturday, April 26: 9am-4pm
Cost is $60 per person
Want to be a part of the Flourish team? We are in need of volunteers to help make this event a success. From greeters to snack coordinators to gift basket donations, we'd love to have you part of our team! Click on this link to sign up: